söndag, mars 18, 2007

Sjung för mig

En egyptisk kvinna kom in i mitt rum och sjöng en arabisk sång för mig. Helt plötsligt, utan förvarning började jättestora krokodiltårar rinna nedför mina kinder. De rann ner på golvet och bildade en liten sjö. Där stod vi, hon och jag, i tårarnas sjö och blev blöta om fötterna. Hon fortsatte sjunga. Vi sa inget efteråt, hon bara gick.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Wow. Beautiful and interesting dream.

I have three ideas.

1) Funny: you had to pee (water, tears) and your subconcious mind was singing to you about it.

2) Not funny: you listened to the news before falling asleep and you were dreaming of the conflict in Iraq, wishing that it would end in peaceful singing and with a baptismal cleasning.

3) Spiritual: this was a message from your higher self who was showing you the true interconnected ness of all beings, which is quite beautiful.

On the other hand (4 hands?) it could have been too many drinks with Dolly.

19 mars, 2007 02:20  
Anonymous Anonym said...

But it wasn´t a dream Shenan! It was IRL. You´re a very good drömtydare, though.

19 mars, 2007 11:46  
Anonymous Anonym said...

oops, what's IRL?


19 mars, 2007 15:11  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Double oops, it's English...okay...in real life.

19 mars, 2007 18:28  
Blogger rita rata said...

:) so cute.

24 mars, 2007 23:45  

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